Live, laugh, and bark!

If you're going to do it, do it Doggystyle :)

Interesting facts:

- I have many registered Yorkies of which all need a home. Annie & Fred are the parents to 4 pups.
- If they could speak to you, when you come for a session, they would say, “Be respectful, this is our home too!” 

- I refer to them as the “Wolf Pack”  

- I keep my dogs kept separate when Clients arrive.

- We can't predict animal's behavior all of the time, but we can predict our own behavior if we try hard enough at it! 

- Sign on My Door: “Be aware of dogs, they eat possums!” 😉

- All dogs go to heaven, so do it Doggystyle!


1. Do you do have another job?
          - No. I was a Travel Nurse for 20yrs.  I had to retire due to a              TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). However, I recovered better                than the doctors originally anticipated.


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